Deep breathing yoga exercise and yoga for strengthening the lungs

5 min readJul 17, 2021

Deep breathing yoga exercise and yoga for strengthening the lungs. If you do deep breathing exercises for a few moments every day, then you can get many benefits from it. This exercise reduces your stress. If done correctly, breathing is very important for the overall health of a person and has many benefits.

In today’s run-of-the-mill life, human beings have started facing many problems. Many diseases can also, be cured by taking a deep breath. Practice deep breathing every day to combat heart disease, stress

and strengthen the digestive system.

If you take out a little time from your busy routine and practice deep breathing, then you will also, sleep well, but along with deep breathing, you should know that what is the correct technique of deep breathing. To reap the benefits, it is very important for you to know the method of deep breathing very well.

Method of deep breathing

You will be able to reap the benefits of deep breathing only if you understand the process of deep breathing in the right way. For this, first of all, lie down on your back on the ground or bed. Place a pillow on your knees and head. If you do not want to do it lying down, then you can start this exercise sitting also. But you should always keep in mind that while sitting, you sit in such a chair in which your back, shoulders, and neck are supported. After lying down or sitting comfortably, while breathing through your nose, slowly fill your stomach with air.

After this, slowly exhale all the air through your nose. While doing this process, keep one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. While taking a deep breath, feel the action of filling the stomach, as well as the feeling of going down in the stomach while exhaling. While taking a deep breath, the hand placed on the stomach should be higher and lower than the hand placed on the chest.

1. The recovering pictures in your mind while I

breathe will help you relax.

2. Keep your eyes closed during this time.

3. Take long and deep breaths in the beginning.

4. Feel the calmness as you breathe, and feel it for your whole body.

5. Now feel as if you are taking out the stress and anxiety from your body along with taking out the air.

Set a set time for inhaling and exhaling. You count to five by inhaling the breath and do the same while exhaling. Do not exert too much force while inhaling and exhaling. When you exercise, always wear loose clothes.

Benefits of deep breathing

The exercise of deep breathing not only protects our body from the risk of diseases, but it also keeps our body’s mental health healthy along with making us active and alert. Let us read in detail about the benefits of deep breathing.

Talking about the benefits of deep breathing, it is very helpful in keeping our lungs healthy. This strengthens the functioning of the lungs. Practicing this also improves the breathing capacity of the lungs, which gives relief from many diseases.

While breathing deeply, oxygen reaches all the cells of the body in the right amount. Cells naturally require oxygen. Our body can remain hungry for about 40 days and thirsty for 3 days. But if oxygen is not available to our body even for a few moments, then our body becomes dead. The oxygen that comes from deep breathing increases the efficiency of all the functioning systems of the body.

Anxiety and stress are related to short breaths. Due to short breaths, the person starts having problems with anxiety and hyperventilation. If you feel any danger then you think small, This means that the person’s body is getting ready to deal with the danger.

Do deep breathing twice a day for 5 to 10 minutes. While doing this, sit comfortably and take a deep breath. You can do this sitting in the office or anywhere. By doing this, a hormone called dopamine comes out from our body which affects our nervous system. This hormone is helpful for making a person happy.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama reduces stress. This pranayama keeps the mind calm. It keeps the heart and lungs healthy. To do this first, sit straight in Sukhasana and close your eyes. Place the palm of the left hand on the left thumb in Gyan Mudra. Place the little finger of the right hand on the left nostril and close the left nostril with the thumb. Now inhale through the left nostril and close the ring finger and little finger together. Then remove the thumb from the right nostril and exhale. do this 5 times

Yoga reduces stress. This yoga also reduces restlessness and anger. To do this, first sit in Sukhasana and close your eyes. Take both hands on the face and close the ears with both thumbs. Place the index finger over the eyes, the middle finger near the nose, the ring finger above the lip, and the smallest finger under the lip. Now take deep long breaths through your nose. Then release the breath to the sound of the whirlwind. Do this at least 5 times.

1. If you are feeling dizzy then do not do this pranayama.

2. This asana is not for people with asthma and other respiratory problems.

3. This asana is not suitable for people with cancer and heart disease.

4. Practice Pranayama only under the supervision of a qualified yoga guru.


Today we told you about Deep breathing yoga exercises and yoga for strengthening the lungs. Take some time out of your busy life and do pranayama. This will not only reduce your stress and will also strengthen your lungs during this Kovid epidemic. Do tell by commenting how did you like this article of our yoga Deep breathing yoga exercise and yoga for strengthening the lungs. Thanks for reading the full article.

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