How to do pranayama step by step: Benefit of pranayama

5 min readAug 1, 2021

How to do pranayama step by step: Benefit of pranayama

Hello friends, today we will tell you about and how many types of pranayama are there. In the era of this covid 19 epidemic, it has been proved that with the practice of pranayama, there has been a rapid improvement in the condition of the patients of How to do pranayam step by step:10 types of pranayam Kovid-19.

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama is a word made up of two words. Prana means our breath and the word Ayam means practice. This whole action is about the control of our breath. The process of breathing in detail in our body is called Pranayama. When our body receives the energy given by nature while doing pranayama, then that energy reaches all the Nadis of the body, due to which our mental and physical condition remains normal and the ability to fight many incurable diseases is born in our body.

Types of pranayama

Although there are many types of pranayama, but today we will discuss 10 types of pranayama with you.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

This exercise is a breathing exercise. By doing this exercise, the speed of our breathing remains normal and our lungs develop. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are balanced in our bodies by the practice of this asana.

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Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Nadi Shodhana means like when we warm up the body before playing any sport, similarly, Nadi Shodhana is done before doing Pranayama. By doing pulse purification, the world of oxygen is well in all the nerves of the body, which is very beneficial for the nervous system.

Ujjayi Pranayama

This pranayama has been included in the pranayama that provides peace. This asana is practiced to calm the nervous system and the mind. People who can’t sleep. This asana is considered very good for sleeping.

Sheetali Pranayama

This asana is done to control the temperature of the body. It is believed that Sheetali Pranayama has a calming and cooling effect on the mind. By practicing this pranayama, the mind, as well as the body, remains calm.

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Suryabhedan Pranayama

Suryabhedan Pranayama is practiced to generate heat in the body. It removes impurities from the body. People suffering from asthma and cold fever can take benefits by practicing this pranayama.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Through the practice of Bhastrika Pranayama, the breath is continuously drawn inward with force. The more force you breathe in, the more force you exhale outward. This pranayama is beneficial for reducing belly fat.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

This pranayama is also a type of pulse purification. The word anulom means upright and the word vilom means inverted. In its practice, the breath has to be inhaled by blocking one nostril and the breath has to be exhaled by holding the other nostril.

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Bahya Pranayama

With the practice of this pranayama, the breath is completely exhaled. Moola Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Jalandhara Bandha are used in Pranayama.

Murchha Pranayama

The word Murchha in Hindi means “unconscious”. In this posture, the breath has to be held for some time. The practice of this asana is a little more difficult than other asanas.

fire action

The practice of Agnisara Kriya is very beneficial for the stomach. It is believed that most diseases arise due to weak digestion power. The digestive system is strengthened by Agnisar Kriya.

  1. The practice of pranayama provides relief in stress, stammering disorders, and asthma.
  2. The practice of pranayama is beneficial for depression.
  3. The practice of pranayama strengthens the will.
  4. Long life is attained by the practice of Pranayama.
  5. The practice of Pranayama increases vitality in the body.
  6. By the practice of Pranayama, the face always remains sharp.
  7. The lungs are strengthened by the practice of pranayama.
  8. The more toxic air that comes out of the body through the practice of pranayama, the more pure air reaches inside the body.
  9. With the practice of pranayama, the movement of blood and the process of breathing remains the same.
  10. rules of pranayama
  11. Select a clean and safe place to practice Pranayama.
  12. If possible, practice this by sitting near a water source.
  13. To practice pranayama, keep the spine straight and sit.
  14. Those who cannot sit on the ground can practice it by sitting on a chair or bed.
  15. While practicing pranayama, the breath is to be drawn only through the nose and exhaled through the nose only.
  16. The mind should be completely calm and happy while doing pranayama.
  17. If you feel tired while doing pranayama then you can take a rest in between.
  18. During the practice of pranayama, use sattvic food, ghee, and milk, fruits, etc. in proper quantity only.
  19. While practicing pranayama, one should keep chanting the word, Om.
  20. Do not show any kind of haste while doing pranayama.
  21. Do not practice pranayama if you are suffering from constipation.
  22. Pranayama should always be practiced after taking a bath.
  23. A person suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease should practice pranayama slowly. For these, the practice of pranayama is the only treatment.
  24. Do not practice pranayama beyond the capacity of your body.
  25. After doing pranayama, one can consume sprouted grains or fruits or curd, buttermilk, etc.

Precautions while doing Pranayama

  • Pranayama should never be done in a noisy place.
  • Do not practice pranayama in a polluted place.
  • Do not practice Sheetali Pranayama in cold weather.
  • Do not practice Suryabhedi Pranayama and Bhastrika Pranayama in the summer season.
  • Pregnant women should not practice Pranayama.
  • A person suffering from fever should not practice Pranayama.
  • Pranayama should not be practiced even after having a meal.


You have been told in detail about Pranayama. How to do pranayam step by step:10 types of pranayam. Many such asanas have been mentioned in this article which is difficult to practice. Therefore, if you have done yoga in the beginning, then definitely take the help of a trained yogi or consult a yoga guru. During the corona epidemic, the condition of those who have practiced pranayama has improved rapidly. If you liked this article of ours, then definitely tell by commenting and share it with your friends as well. Thanks for reading till the end.

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